Tuesday, September 20, 2011

7 Things the Lord says He hates...

September 6, 2011

I was meditating this morning on Proverbs 6, and noted particularly the seven things that the text says that the LORD hates, or are an abomination to him:
    1. Haughty eyes
    2. A lying tongue
    3. Hands that shed innocent blood
    4. A heart that devises wicked plans
    5. A false witness that utters lies
    6. Feet that run rapidly to evil
    7. One who spreads strife among brothers
Lord, this is a tough passage this morning. Would you please teach me, and show me your ways?

A man that walks in these conditions is disjointed, diseased in heart and spirit. He is focused on self, rather than focused on me. Deceit, pride, arrogance, gossip--these all stem from the same spirit that drove Lucifer to mount his rebellion in heaven. His whole “MO” is deceit. The truth is not in him. Whenever a man lives out of this motivation, he can not come to the light because his way is full of darkness. His purpose is to deceive, cover, twist, and turn the truth of God into a lie. This is his motive and his practice. Many are religious, but it can be a cloak to attempt to cover the inner motives of the heart. But i see into a man’s heart. I see the hidden things.

When a man acknowledges this darkness and confesses his sin and deceit, he opens the door to my healing and restoration. I can make him pure in heart, cleansing and purifying him by my blood. A man has to full surrender, in order to truly begin this process.

This is the default mechanism that works in the sons of disobedience. My truth brings light into the darkness. Darkness tries to hide, but it can not hide from me. I shine light into the dark corners of the earth; into the recesses of the hearts of men, so that there is no excuse. When a man chooses this way of darkness, he becomes that man, so that he lives out from what he believes. Attempts to hide are futile. I expose darkness, in order to redeem. But a man who refuses to submit to the light, chooses to remain in darkness--his leaf will wither, and whatever he does is cursed.

When one comes to the light, he is changed through and through, so that his life can become a light, transparent, holy, pure, and innocent; all permitting my light to shine through so that others may come to the light. The light in them will push back the darkness and create and establish a place where life can flourish. Purity of heart, purity of motive, and purity of mind is a reflection of my own nature. For I have given everything that pertains to the divine nature so that men who have embraced light and revelation from me will be changed from glory to glory. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; I AM the Light of the world!

Hallelujah, and praise your name! Lord!

What are the opposites of the things you hate? What do you love?

    1. Humble hearts. Humility is honored in the Kingdom.
    2. Truthful lips, motivated from a truthful heart.
    3. Hands that labor to protect the innocent and bring true justice
    4. A heart motivated and delighted to do my will
    5. a truthful, faithful witness, that courageously proclaims truth in my kingdom, before babes and kings.
    6. Feet that are moving to spread truth, peace, and love
    7. One who lives in unity with brothers and others, who protects relationships from damage; a peacemaker, wound healer, a restorer and repairer of the breach, and a restorer of the path to dwell in. (Isaiah 58).

Anything else? Lord? I want nothing to be hidden from you. Expose and bring to light that which is in my soul. Remove from me all that is unlike you...

Son, when a man’s ways please the LORD, He will cause even his enemies to be at peace with him.

No place of darkness in me, Lord...

This is the light of heaven on earth--my light shines upon you, and in you, and through you. My life and light are synonymous. These are both facets of my nature. I created light and separated the light from the darkness.

1 comment:

R. Shane Bailey said...

Good word Pastor.... Love & miss you & Toni.... Shane Bailey