Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What about Doubt and Unbelief?


Lord, what do you want to say to me today about doubt and unbelief?

Jym, it makes me happy that you are coming near to me with all your heart. I delight to take you deeper in my presence and teach you my ways. Doubt and unbelief are enemies of faith. When you doubt, you simply take your eyes off me and turn somewhere else. Learning to trust my voice is a key to the Kingdom. I have many things to teach you and show you, and you are learning to tune to the flow of my Holy Spirit this is very good, because we are making an important connection. I can flow thorough you to meet your needs and the needs of others who desperately need to come to the Light and remove their doubt and unbelief. Let My Light permeate your heart and the Light will flow out of you to bring glory to me and bless others.

Thank you, Lord.


The entrance of thy Word brings Light.”
“Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path...”
Lord, please give me light and illumination of your Word and your Ways. I want to grow and to know your ways; wisdom from above.... Wisdom is seeing all of life from your perspective. I want to write Spirit-anointed books, articles, and develop media, to teach, preach, and train others in your commands.

From the time I spoke, “Light Be” light has been. Its sources of power and effulgence are from my heart— I am the Light of the world. Light has come into the darkness. The world was at one time in darkness, but Light has come into the darkness. The world was dark, void, and formless, until I spoke, “Light Be.” The whole earth received that balance of light and darkness in order to bring forth the vegetation and to provide the matrix for life to be sustained. I always prepare the way before you. My Light shines into the darkness and gives revelation and illumination so that you can move forward in faith, hope, and love. I illuminate all that has its roots and foundation in my Word, because I am the Living Word. My words are Spirit and they are Life!

Wisdom has its origin in Me—if anyone lacks it, he can ask me and I will give it liberally. Even the heart that has not known my power to change it can receive wisdom from above. I am a teacher, and so I want all my “class” (students) to receive understanding and light—not all have taken advantage of the Light and the revelation of wisdom. But to those who have, it is the power of God unto salvation.

Yes, son, the cross was that pivotal revelation. To those who receive it, and testify about it, receive wisdom from above! This confuses those who seek wisdom from the world. This wisdom never gets you anywhere. My “hidden wisdom” - a thing withheld from the worldly wise, but to those who receive and who understand it is life transforming.

Those who receive spiritual wisdom from me, take from me and impart to others bring life, dispel the darkness, and root out, throw down, destroy, overthrow and then have the foundation of wisdom to build and plant (Jeremiah 1:10).

You are awesome, Lord! Your revelation is worth waiting for!

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