Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday, 9/17

Birth of my 12 grandchild today, Sept 17, 2010

Mekhi Shyne Baker born this morning, Sept 17. Number 12 grandchild for Toni and me. Birth is definitely a miracle of the Creator. Mekhi is so alert. He's taking in all of his surroundings already-lights, sounds. Even as a brand newborn he favors his mom and dad. Little Zion, his big brother not really interested, but won't they make a team.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Endtimes update from Joel Rosenberg's Weblog

Have a look at prophecy being fulfilled right before our eyes. We are definitely in the time of the end. Happy Rosh Hashana to all the friends of Israel!

Interested in understanding the 7 Feasts of Israel?

Have a look at Dr. Gavin Finley does an excellent job at explaining the significance and end-time understanding of these important feasts. Fall Feast Days this year: Sept 8-18, 2010.

High Holy Days

September 8 - 18 marks the beginning of the Jewish High Holy Days. September 8 this year is Rosh Hoshanna, the Jewish New Year marking 10 days of reflection and repentance for the people. The feast days culminate on Yom Kippur, called the Day of Atonement. As Yeshua said, we should pray for the peace of Jerusalem especially during these times and remember that one day, Yeshua will return to Jerusalem to rule in His Kingdom.

Servant's Quarters: Whatever happened to purity?

Servant's Quarters: Whatever happened to purity?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Whatever happened to purity?

Texting on a keyboard phoneImage via Wikipedia
What a different world we live in today. Back in the day, there was no Internet, no cellphones, only 3 or 4 channels on the black and white TV. Today, we are media saturated. Everywhere I go people are talking on their cellphone, or texting friends, or updating Facebook or Twitter. It's almost media overload. But the amazing thing is that we can't seem to live without our electronic marvels. With the coming of the Internet, comes a larger than life set of temptations to draw a young man or woman away from a purity of life; an innocence that was once the expected standard. Now, it seems, that anything goes...even in the Christian community. The values of our parents, are no longer our values. Sexual purity before marriage was once the standard. Now the standard has shifted. Living together before marriage; trial relationships are not the curse that they once were; even to the Christian community. Have the standards of holiness and purity been lost from today's generation?

The Word of God has not changed. God's designed a man and a woman to experience sexual intimacy only after making a covenant of marriage to one another. How about a return to purity. Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder. And my bride was well worth the wait. Not that we weren't tempted, mind you, but considering the consequences of a selfish "me" choice were too great to compromise the truth of  God's Word. He had our ultimate happiness and fulfillment in mind. So, now, we've been married 39 wonderful years. She's mine and I'm hers. And we don't have to regret decisions of our past. So, young folk, consider how to walk in purity and in love toward one another. You will be truly blessed. 
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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Living in a whole new day

"Times, they are a-changin", lyrics from an old Negro spiritual capture the heart of the days in which we live.

We are seeing destiny right before our eyes. It's hard to believe that just a moment ago I was asking mom for an apple, after I had attempted to smoke a grape-vine with my friend Joe. As usual, mom was on top of the mischief of her only boy...and I was dead meat. Mom said, "All right son, go in that bathroom and kneel down and repent!" I did it, too, partly because I respected her, and partly because I was afraid that if I died having committed such a heinous sin as smoking grapevines, that I would surely go to hell. So that fear of God kept me on the straight and narrow. You know, I'm thankful for my upbringing. For the most part, I had a balance of mercy and grace in my life. As I grow older, now, I look back on those times that I must have caused many gray hairs on the precious head of my mom, but I remember and reflect upon the good solid teaching of God's word that I received as a child from my parents. My dad would often read long passages of Scripture (or so it seemed to me) just before we would say our prayers for the night.

Today, we scarcely seem to have time to even see our family any more. But God has provided something even more marvelous...Facebook, and Twitter, and our own Blog to boot. Just this week, I reconnected with old friends from the past, and left messages for friends we have met from around the world. The world is smaller than ever. I don't have to jump on a plane and see the world. The virtual world is right at my fingertips.

So what? you say. Take advantage of this day to connect or reconnect with friends and family. We're living in a whole new day. It's a new season, it's a new day.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Living in the "Shift"

"And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow into it." --Isaiah 2:2

For nearly two thousand years the church, the ekklesia (called out ones) have been extending the church to the ends of the earth. Some estimate that there are 2.2 billion Christians on the earth at this moment. That means, from a humble beginning of 12 disciples, Jesus planted the Father's vision in the earth so that His kingdom would come, and His will done as it is in heaven. Jesus came, preaching the "Kingdom of God," both declaring it and demonstrating it as He healed the sick, the lame, raised the dead, and cast out demons. When He said, "it is finished," death was swallowed up in victory, and He ascended and sat down at the right hand of majesty on high. He reigns now over all the kingdoms of this world, and over all the created order in the universe. As a man, He defeated Satan himself and prevailed to win the victory for us, allowing us to be seated together with Him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.

For two thousand years, we have been living in what has been termed the "Church Age" looking forward to that day when Jesus would return to take us to be with Him where He is. Then, He would begin to rule literally from the Jerusalem that now is and would continue to rule until all His enemies were placed under His feet. That time has been termed, the "Kingdom Age." And there will be "ages to come" where He will show us the "exceeding greatness of His power." We are now in the transition time of the "Shift," that period between the Church Age and the Kingdom Age, when the whole earth is "groaning and crying in travail" until the sons of the Kingdom are manifested and the King has come to reign on the throne of David. This is a serious time, but the most exciting time to be alive on the planet, because we will see with our eyes and experience for ourselves the unfolding manifestation of the plan of the ages, a kairos moment in time that intersects with history at a precise moment, to reveal God's ultimate purpose for man.

We are in the time of the great "Shift." Let's embrace it, and move with the cloud into the fullness of our destiny, and realize the inheritance left to us by our Father in heaven. May we move into our season, our moment in time, and fulfill our destiny in God.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Seek God for the City - Day 20

The SGftC initiative has 6 objectives: to renew Christ's life among His people, to bring the light of the gospel to many, to reveal Christ's glory to all peoples, to establish righteousness in our cities, to bring His peace in relationships, to welcome the visitation of God. This initiative is promoted by the Waymakers whose chief aim is to Prepare God's Way by Prayer Prayer and fasting are two major keys to seeing God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

It's All About Relationships

What a wonderful weekend! Got to share the 50th anniversary of Dr. Delton Alford's ministry of music including years as director of the Lee Singers of Lee University. Wow, did it bring back a lot of good memories. We saw and reconnected with old friends from Lee, and a wonderful time with my 3 sisters, my mom, and Toni's mom, dad, and brothers. I am so grateful for a family that loves God and His Kingdom. We are so blessed to have such a Godly heritage and privileged to pass it on to our daughters, our sons-in-law, and our beautiful grandchildren. Thank you Lord for the gift of family!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

40 Days to Seek God for the City

Our beautiful city, Sikeston, Missouri has delcared February 17 - March 28 as a time to Seek God for the City. This initiative began several years ago, but this year, a renewed emphasis and interest emerged by the decision of the Sikeston Ministerial Alliance. I believe this is a "kairos" moment for our City. There is much to pray about, repent about, and reconcile in order to prepare the way for the visitation and habitation of the Holy Spirit into our city. It is possible for God's people to "change the atmosphere" of a city by taking the prayer initiative to seek God and declare His word over our region. We are poised to hear the word of the Lord, and become doers of the Word.

When we first moved to Sikeston from Georgia, most of what we heard about our city was pretty negative. "Well, you know, it IS SIKESTON..." Many word curses have been released over the city throughout its history. This year, 2010, Sikeston is 150 years old. (More about that later) There is a long history political and ethnic history that must be reconciled. As a pastor in the city, we have a spiritual responsibility and mandate to see obstacles and hinderances uprooted and overthrown in order that the purposes of God for Sikeston and surrounding region will be fulfilled. We have a spiritual destiny and mandate to fulfill.

For the next 40 days, let us pray, fast, and seek that face of our Father to hear us and move in our behalf. We say, "Father, your kingdom COME, your will BE done in earth as it is in heaven" over our homes, businesses, churches, schools, city hall, and all connected with Sikeston.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Seek God for the City - February 17 thru March 28

As I was driving in town a couple of days ago, I noticed several signs saying, "Seek God for the City." I took a second look, and sure enough, that is what it said. All over Sikeston, MO, the same sign. For the next 40 days, Christ followers in Sikeston are seeking the Face of the Lord for the city of Sikeston. This observance will culminate with a corporate service in the city Park near the big white Gazebo on the afternoon of March 28. This will be a time of worship, prayers, and declarations for the City of Sikeston and all its constituents. I am encouraged, and believe God is sending a healing, reconciling, and restoring stream of His Spirit and presence to Sikeston. It is a kairos time, to be sure. God is shifting heaven and earth during this season, to bring us into His perfect will and proclaim His destiny for our city.

The King Reigns

"I have installed My King upon Zion" (Ps 2:6). Our Lord Jesus Christ rules with awesome power and authority. He is not only King of the church, but King of the whole earth.

Consider...As King He represents the rule and will of God; as Priest he represents the needs and desires of the people. His Kingly role is downward, from heaven to earth; His priestly role is upward, from earth to heaven. (From Dutch Sheets, Authority in Prayer).

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Personal Revelation of Jesus

It was Saul of Tarsus, who later changed his name to Paul, who shared his story to King Agrippa. The revelation of Jesus was so powerful, the brightness of the glory from heaven knocked him off his horse to the ground. The Lord told him 'Now get up and stand on your feet. I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and as a witness of what you have seen of me and what I will show you.' This encounter with God changed his life forever. You can experience a divine encounter today. He even invites you..."Call upon Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and might things..." (Jeremiah 33:3)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's been

Well, it's been awhile since I posted here. God is doing awesome things in the Kingdom of God. I'm glad to be a part of His plan for the world. And to be living at this time in history is no accident. I'm an older guy, but connected to the next generation of young people. God is awesome!